So, with brazen disregard for public server capacity, I'm incorporating these two new blogs into the franchise:
1) An Exercise in Domesticity: As many of you know, for the past year an unhealthy chunk of my time away from work has been devoted to yardwork. In addition to wanting to share the raw wonder of picking fresh food from my backyard, I've been taking pictures of the evolution in hopes of one day being able to look back and feel like there's enough differentiation to have made all this painstaking effort worth it. I also wanted to provide visual aids to all of you who have had to bear with me as I belabor the details but have yet to see much vivid documentation of what's been going on. So follow the link to the right to get caught up. (By the way, I've just begun this and I'm steadily uploading pictures that date as far back as early 2008, but I'll try to catch up to real-time as soon as possible.)
2) Reasonably Certain Signs of the End Times: It's ironic . . . it's outrageous . . . and then, apocalypse! The End of Days have never been zanier. But don't get your hopes up; for now, this really is just a pilot. (Thought I'd take it for a spin w/o too much of a commitment or anything too serious.) What I'm trying to do here is create a running list of life's minor atrocities. Check out the link to the right to see what I've got so far . . . feel free to contribute your own via comments, and I'll give you due credit. Unless they're lame.
Of course, because I'm a veritable tycoon now, I won't have much time to be directly involved in my new ventures, so you should expect even less regular posts than what you get on here.
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