A shadow blog that chronicles daring feats of humanity.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Suitable gentlemen (Read: Anyone in a tunic's all right by me.)
Now here are three outstanding young men, all clean shaven and well-appointed . . . Okay, okay two of them have a faint trace of facial hair, but it's really too thin to count. Overall, you can tell they're good kids; these guys are going places.
Nope. Vetoed by your daughter's mother. Replace the tunics with a t-shirt and those two with facial hair are still totally creepy. You will have failed Fatherhood if you can't see past the garment-- she'll get ANYONE past you! "Hey, Johnny-- put on this robe before you meet my daddy... he'll think you're swell! Oh and you should probably leave the cocaine in the car..."
Nope. Vetoed by your daughter's mother. Replace the tunics with a t-shirt and those two with facial hair are still totally creepy. You will have failed Fatherhood if you can't see past the garment-- she'll get ANYONE past you! "Hey, Johnny-- put on this robe before you meet my daddy... he'll think you're swell! Oh and you should probably leave the cocaine in the car..."
it takes a confident man to pull off the gold spangled tunic.
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