Monday, March 9, 2009

Suitable gentlemen (Read: Anyone in a tunic's all right by me.)

Now here are three outstanding young men, all clean shaven and well-appointed . . . Okay, okay two of them have a faint trace of facial hair, but it's really too thin to count. Overall, you can tell they're good kids; these guys are going places.


Jenny said...

Nope. Vetoed by your daughter's mother. Replace the tunics with a t-shirt and those two with facial hair are still totally creepy. You will have failed Fatherhood if you can't see past the garment-- she'll get ANYONE past you! "Hey, Johnny-- put on this robe before you meet my daddy... he'll think you're swell! Oh and you should probably leave the cocaine in the car..."

Anonymous said...

it takes a confident man to pull off the gold spangled tunic.